What’s a Sweet Spot?


It’s interesting what different people think when you mention the phrase ‘sweet spot’. For some it immediately conjures up something sexy. (You’ll have to wait for my post on The A, B, C’s of the G-Spot.) But that’s only one aspect of finding your sweet spot in life.

A sweet spot refers to a place where a combination of factors, when in balance produces the best results. It can refer to many dimensions of everyday life. For example,

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The Sexual Revolution ……. Why it Still Matters

     Georgge and Peace Sign

Born in the 50s and coming of age in the 60s and 70s, shaped the lives of millions of boomers like no generation before. The seductive landscape of unprecedented social and moral liberation transformed society forever. I actually hadn’t given that era much thought until I started to research it. It’s jaw-dropping just how significant those times and events were. From the 1960s to the 1970s our norms of behavior changed dramatically and what once was forbidden and sanctimonious was swiftly emancipated. Sex before marriage and living common-law became the norm; behind closed doors–masturbation, erotic fantasies and sex toys created a stir; and the closet door on homosexuality started to squeak open.

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Am I Still Sexy?

STL Hollowe'en         Boomers running

When the premier issue of Zoomer magazine hit the stands in October 2008, I was exhilarated that a publication hit my sweet spot. It spoke to me about reinvigoration and energy when the common terms about getting old were elder, the golden years and senior citizen. I wanted to be called something else. The term zoomer actually gave me permission to expect wonderful things from getting older; allowed me to dream of things I had yet to achieve and instilled hope for a triumphant charge into the rest of my life. I no longer wanted to turn the clock back, a useless wish anyway—but I wanted to set the tone and tempo to a new beat. Being a zoomer made me feel sexy. Continue reading