Good Sex and Good Health


Did you know that good health contributes to good sex and that sex contributes to good health? According to The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada the following are some of the benefits of being sexually active as you get older:

  • Sex burns fat and boosts your immune system
  • Sex causes the brain to release endorphins – the body’s natural pain relievers
  • Sex relieves stress and makes you feel good
  • Sexually active people have higher levels of naturally produced sex hormones – in other words use it or lose it!
  • If you keep sexually active throughout your life, the physical changes that come with aging may be less pronounced and sexuality is usually less affected
  • There is more to sex than penetration. There are many ways to be physically intimate, and they all contribute to your health and well-being
  • Having sex takes up about as much energy as walking up two flights of stairs so sex is rarely dangerous. But if you have any health-related concerns, consult your physician or healthcare professional
  • Being active contributes to physical and emotional health. But remember, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) know no age boundary; so if you are sexually active always practice safe sex.

Sex is an antidote to aging – so here are some additional reasons to get your mojo going:

  • Minimizes risk of incontinence
  • Helps you sleep by easing the body and lulling the mind and spirit
  • Lowers the risk of prostate cancer
  • Decreases blood pressure by opening and relaxation of the blood vessels
  • Releases human growth hormone which along with the discharge of some estrogen and testosterone are key factors in keeping your skin elastic, reducing wrinkles, firming muscles, shines up the skin and makes your hair softer
  • Diminishes atrophy or shrinkage of the prostate and vagina and other muscles and ligaments in the nether region

What about emotional and spiritual well-being? Sex floods our brain with endorphins and oxytocin which improves mood and attitude and helps us to feel younger.  I think the above, provides enough evidence that we better use it or we’ll lose. So get down and dirty and get your sexy on!

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